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 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008

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3 participants
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Messages : 154
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2008
Age : 34

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008   Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 EmptyLun 22 Déc - 18:06

حصريا برامج هامه للمبرمجين تتمثل في مجموعة
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 Express Edition

Visual Basic 2008 Express with SP1 is the ideal tool for productively building object-oriented applications for Windows on the .NET Framework.

Visual C# 2008 Express with SP1 is the ideal tool for productively building object-oriented applications for Windows on the .NET Framework.

Visual C++ 2008 Express with SP1 provides a powerful and flexible development environment for creating native Windows and cool 2D and 3D games.

Visual Web Developer 2008 Express with SP1 provides an ideal environment for creating powerful Web applications
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Petit nouveau

Messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2008

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008   Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 EmptyVen 26 Déc - 14:37

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Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2008
Age : 34

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008   Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 EmptyMar 30 Déc - 19:09

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 716339 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 716339 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 716339 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 716339 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 716339 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 716339 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 716339 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 716339
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008   Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008 Empty

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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft SQL 2008
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